Board of Directors

The DFL Senior Caucus
Governing Board of Directors

The Board of Directors consists of the Senior Caucus Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Director, Liaison to the DFL State Central Committee & Executive Board, the local chapter Chairs, and at least eight at-large Directors.  A new Board is elected every odd-numbered year at the annual membership meeting. The Board has the authority to appoint three additional Directors to serve for the same time period as the at-large Directors.

Responsibilities of the Officers:

  • The Chair shall convene and facilitate all Senior Caucus and Board meetings; shall exercise oversight over the operation of the Senior Caucus, the Board, and such committees that the Board may establish; and administer the directives of the Senior Caucus. The Chair may delegate duties as necessary.
  • The Vice Chair shall fulfill the duties of the Chair in the absence of the Chair and shall assist the Chair in the duties of the Chair.
  • The Secretary shall produce the official records of the meetings, distribute calls and notices for Board or membership meetings, and distribute other Senior Caucus communications as may be deemed necessary.
  • The Treasurer shall keep record of, account for, and report on the financial activities of the Senior Caucus.
  • The Membership Director shall coordinate the recruitment of members, manage membership data, maintain up-to-date membership records and provide timely reporting of such records, and determine those members who are in good standing.

Responsibilities of the Board

The Board is responsible for managing the business and affairs of the Senior Caucus. Its duties include:

  • Calling, scheduling and conducting membership meetings, disseminating proper notice, and determining voting methods on matters other than the election of Officers and the Board.
  • Authorizing and organizing candidate forums and screening, accountability and review sessions, speaker events, and similar activities.
  • Conducting the financial affairs of the Senior Caucus, including approval of expenditures; collecting dues and raising funds to support the activities of the Senior Caucus.
  • Overseeing the work of Officers, volunteers, and others carrying out the work of the Senior Caucus.
  • Appointing a Nominating Committee and creation of other committees to carry out the activities of the Senior Caucus.
  • Authorizing official statements of support for candidates, legislation or for policy at any level of government.

Business Meetings

Board meetings are held the third Thursday of the month from 5:30-7:30p using Zoom. Bring your ideas and brainstorm with the Officers and Directors. Only elected officers and directors can vote at meetings.

The DFL Senior Caucus is governed in accordance with its Charter.

Join us and become an active member of our DFL Community Caucus to help us address the needs of seniors. You can join one or more of our local chapters and any of our committees leading us on vital issues that concern us all. Your membership allows us to reach more seniors and have a larger voice on issues. You become part of a mission and movement to address the needs of senior citizens across Minnesota.

Making a better world for our Children, our Grandchildren, and Ourselves!

Board of Directors (terms expire at annual meeting 2025)



Kay Hendrickson


Janet Conn

Vice Chair:

Don Slaten


Jennifer Willette


Nancy Stroessner

Liason to DFL State Central Committee and Executive Board:

Kay Hendrickson


Tim Bonham Jean Lee
John Corcoran Bill MIddlecamp
Alston Dutchin Joe Mullery
Roger Gehrke Pamela Parker
Gary Hansen Darrell Paulsen
Marie Hauser James Reed
Linda Hopkins Sandy Sandoval
Gene Jacobson Tony Scallon
Dwayne King Cindy Spellman


Chapter Chairs

Note: For details about chapter meetings, contacts, and photos, see the Chapters page.

Anoka County:          Mel Aanerud

East Central MN:      TBD

East Metro:                Scott Borchert/Steve Johnson

Mankato Area:          Mary Bliesmer

Minneapolis Area:    Wally Swan

North Metro:            Norm Hanson

Northeast MN:         Kathy Peterson

St Paul Area:             Lyn Burton

South Metro:            MaryAnn VanDeVusse

Southeast MN:         Patricia Mann

Standing Committees

Communication:                                     Kay Hendrickson

Events:                                                      Don Slaten, Sandy Sandoval

Governance:                                            Mel Aanerud

Membership:                                           Jennifer Willette

Political Affairs Committee (PAC):        Mary Bliesmer

Technology:                                             Bill Middlecamp

Fundraising:                                            TBD